mustardamus / nuxt-bulma-slim

Nuxt.js module to automatically make a slim Bulma build of used features with Purgecss
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<b-timepicker> is not being rendered in production #12

Closed DeBelserArne closed 4 years ago

DeBelserArne commented 4 years ago

Hello there,

I'm having an issue with the < b-timepicker> element.

It seems that it is not being renderen for some reason.

The funny thing is that I also have a < b-datepicker> element on that page which is being rendered fine.

The rendered < b-datepicker> : Screenshot from Gyazo

The unrendered < b-timepicker>: image

DeBelserArne commented 4 years ago

This got posted on the wrong issue tracker. My excuses