mutalyzer / mutalyzer2

HGVS variant nomenclature checker
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Regarding ticket 153 #344

Closed mutalyzerbot closed 8 years ago

mutalyzerbot commented 8 years ago

Original ticket: Original date: 2013/10/31 Original reporter: anonymous

Ticket 153: "I tried to submit NM_017617.3:c.1556-43T>C and got the error (variantchecker): Intronic position given for a non-genomic reference sequence.. What does this error message mean? Thanks in advance for your help" I got this reference sequence number throught position converter tool only. Can you suggest how can I get different reference sequence number for the same whcih have hte information about introns.

mutalyzerbot commented 8 years ago

Original date: 2013/10/31 Original reporter: j DOT f DOT j DOT laros AND lumc DOT nl

Dear Sir, Madam,

In general I would try to find either an LRG ( or an NG to check intronic and intergenic variants. If none are available, you can use the reference file loader ( to retrieve a part of the genomic reference sequence by gene name. In this case (NOTCH1), the reference file loader returns UD_132085360782, which can be used as an accession number in the namechecker. The new variant description would be: UD_132085360782(NOTCH1):c.1556-43T>C

With kind regards, Jeroen.