mutalyzer / mutalyzer2

HGVS variant nomenclature checker
98 stars 23 forks source link

Provide as standalone package on PyPI #413

Closed cthoyt closed 4 years ago

cthoyt commented 7 years ago

We're working on a python parser for biological expression language (@pybel) that's also using PyParsing. The biological expression language actually defers to the HGVS variants and we've had to implement our own parser for HGVS. We just realized you've published this awesome implementation of HGVS already, and would love to use your work in the file in place of the common variants we've encoded in PyParsing ourselves, here.

Would you consider publishing the grammar parsing/testing as a stand-alone project in GitHub, and as a package on PyPI, so we (and hopefully others!) could easily use your work with pip install mutalyzer?

Otherwise I'm not sure how to best build on your work. If you have some suggestions, I'd love to hear them! Keep up the great work :)

mihailefter commented 4 years ago

The grammar is now available here.