My command line
/usr/local/bin/mutalyzer NM_005228.4:c.2296_2297insTGGCCAGCG
Then I got
Message("Retriever", 4, "ERETR", "Could not retrieve NM_005228.4.")1 Error, 0 Warnings.
The network of this server is offline.
Mutalyzer script can't work offline?
Mutalyzer retrieves its reference sequences from the NCBI, so unless these sequences are already present in the cache, retrieval will fail if the server is not online.
My command line
/usr/local/bin/mutalyzer NM_005228.4:c.2296_2297insTGGCCAGCG
Then I gotMessage("Retriever", 4, "ERETR", "Could not retrieve NM_005228.4.")
1 Error, 0 Warnings.
The network of this server is offline. Mutalyzer script can't work offline?