mutationpp / Mutationpp

The MUlticomponent Thermodynamic And Transport library for IONized gases in C++
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Failing to converge in EquilStateModel::setState(p_mass, p_energy, 0) #102

Closed athmargaritis closed 4 years ago

athmargaritis commented 4 years ago

Hi everyone, I have noticed an issue with the function setState(rho,rhoe,0) using the EquilStateModel for conditions that have zero (specific) energy.

Example test

For a mixture of air5 p ≈ 4127.07 [Pa] T ≈ 416.4035 [K] one gets ρ ≈ 0.0343909 [kg/m^3] e ≈ 0.0737387 [J/kg] ρe ≈ 0.0025359 [J/m^3] Trying to setState with these values (or similarly, with any combination with energy density abs(rhoe)<1e-2 in my testing) will cause either a division by zero (if you are very very unlucky), or an endless while loop with no convergence.

The cause

In file src/thermo/EquilStateModel.cpp at line 110 there is a division f1/rhoe while the value rhoe, being the energy density, takes both positive and negative values, hence it may be zero or infinitely close to zero.

Bad solution

Most of the times I (or someone else) had this problem (never looked for its cause before) the solution was to change the tolerance tol to a larger value (eg. 1e-6 from 1e-12). I had done that while working with COOLFluiD two years ago in my code, and I know that this is what they did at Ames where they use Mutation++ with the ARCHeS code. This does not solve the problem (just narrows the problematic regime around zero).

Solution 1

The easiest quick-fix is to replace line 110 of the file while (std::max(std::abs(f1/rhoe),std::abs(f2/rho)) > tol) { with while ((std::max(std::abs(f1/rhoe),std::abs(f2/rho)) > tol) && (std::max(std::abs(f1),std::abs(f2)) > tolAbs)) {

This way, for values of energy

This does not fix the rare issue with exactly zero energy, which could be avoided by instead dividing f1/(rhoe+tolAbs) and f2/(rho+tolAbs) to avoid the division by zero.

So line 110 has to become while ((std::max(std::abs(f1/(rhoe+tol)),std::abs(f2/(rho+tol))) > tol) && (std::max(std::abs(f1),std::abs(f2)) > tol)) {

For me, tolAbs = 1e-10; tol = 1e-12 has worked, but it might depend on the conditions and the system.

Solution 2

A possibly better idea would be to use the iterative residual as a convergence criterion, making line 110 like while ((std::max(std::abs((f1-f1_old)/(rhoe+tol)),std::abs((f2-f2_old)/(rho+tol))) > tol) && (std::max(std::abs(f1-f1_old),std::abs(f2-f2_old)) > tol)) { and of course defining f1_old, f2_old accordingly.


Hope this summary makes it easy to fix it. I talked to @grgbellas and he said he'll take a look soon.

Cheers, Thanos

jbscoggi commented 4 years ago

Fixed in #103, closing.