mutationpp / Mutationpp

The MUlticomponent Thermodynamic And Transport library for IONized gases in C++
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Behavior at low temperatures #117

Open Zdenour opened 4 years ago

Zdenour commented 4 years ago

Hello, I remember we talked about this topic a long time ago, but I am not sure what was the conclusion.

I am trying to use Mutation++ to determine thermal and transport properties in our free-stream rebuilding code (based on CABARET) for the Longshot facility. We assume nitrogen in thermal equilibrium everywhere. The static temperature can be as low as 70K.

I know that your concern is not at such low temperatures. However, it could help Mutation++ to spread for use in ground test facilities.

As a (dummy) user, I apologize in advance if I missed some options already implemented.



jbscoggi commented 4 years ago

Hi @Zdenour, sorry for the late reply to this. I will try to look into why the viscosity is so different in the current M++ version. To help me out, can you tell me what mixture you are using, which species pairs you had to "correct" etc.

As for the NASA-9 polynomials, yes I think clamping should be the desired behavior. Are you a programmer and know C++? If so, would you mind trying to work on this update yourself and submitting a pull request? If not, that's OK, it will just take me some time to get around to it.

VirgileCharton commented 2 years ago


I am a new user of M++, and I am very interested about the above request as I also work with low temperatures and NASA-9 polynomials. How does M++ handle the temperature below 200K in that case ? Is there a threshold or are the polynomials used beyond the temperature validity range ? Thank you very much.


Virgile Charton