mutationpp / Mutationpp

The MUlticomponent Thermodynamic And Transport library for IONized gases in C++
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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bprime executable hangs #209

Closed Numedi closed 1 year ago

Numedi commented 2 years ago

Hello everyone,

First of all, thank you for developing Mutation++ and make it so easily accessible. I have been recently interested into using mutation++ to compute bprime tables for atmospheric reentry problems, but using the latest version, the executable hangs (more precisely, it has problem to compute the mixture equilibrium in the surfaceMassBalance function) even for example mixture files such as the ones provided in the training-materials repository.

Comparing the function with earlier version of M++ (such as the one provided inside PATO), I remarked that the mixture never load the edge composition in the main function. I think that adding :

_mix.getComposition(opts.boundary_layercomp,, Composition::MASS);

at the beginning of the function solved my problem.

Could you tell me if there is effectively an issue in the main function of bprime.cpp of the current version or if I just have been using the executable wrong the whole time?

Sincerely, Vincent LE MAOUT

BBArrosDias commented 2 years ago

Hi Numedi,

That seems right. I have checked older commits, and that line of code was there, so it seems that it was accidentally deleted on the recent commits. Could you commit your fix and make sure all tests pass?

Cheers, Bruno