mutationpp / Mutationpp

The MUlticomponent Thermodynamic And Transport library for IONized gases in C++
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Mutation++ gives non consistent transport properties with condensed species in the mixture #212

Open liusl-u-bordeaux opened 2 years ago

liusl-u-bordeaux commented 2 years ago

I am running a simulation about the drying process of wood. The material properties are solid 0, water 0.99, and air:0.01. GasPropertiesType is FiniteRateMaterial and ChemistryType is SpeciesConservation. I used "frozenThermalConductivity" for kg (thermal conductivity) and "mixtureFrozenCpMass" for cpg (specific heat capacity). After the simulation, I got strange values for kg and mu (viscosity). For example, kg is 1.7(W/m/K), and mu is 6.5e-4 (Pa s) in this case. In the FiniteRateGasProperties solver. the gas properties are updated as follows, mu[cellI] = mix_->viscosity(); cpg[cellI] = mix\->mixtureFrozenCpMass(); kg[cellI] = mix\->frozenThermalConductivity();

I defined the wetair.xml as follows,

N2 O2 H2O
BBArrosDias commented 2 years ago

@jbscoggi and @grgbellasvki I changed the Transport and CollisionDB to consider only gas-phase species. The main issue is that Transport::reactiveThermalConductivity() in Transport utilizes speciesHOverRT which is looping over all the species and affecting mp_wrk1 and mp_wrk2. This leads to incorrect results - at least in equilibrium. Any suggestion?