muttleyxd / clang-tools-static-binaries

static-linked versions of clang tools for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows, available in AUR as clang-format-static-bin
The Unlicense
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AUR package clang-format-static-bin outdated #29

Closed Xhendos closed 1 year ago

Xhendos commented 1 year ago

Hey muttleyxd,

I noticed that you are the maintainer of the clang-format-static-bin AUR package. In the PKGBUILD I saw that it uses links to this repository, which frankly enough, is your own repository. I've seen that you updated this repository to clang-format-16 which is fairly nice because since version 16 of clang-format the AlignTrailingComments option is not simply a boolean anymore, but has various options (see screenshot below) which I need for a codebase that I am maintaining.

Could you please also update the PKGBUILD of the AUR package? In the meantime I'll run clang-format version 16 manually from this repository thus outside of my AUR package manager.


muttleyxd commented 1 year ago

Hi @Xhendos, done, thanks for notifying me - I forgot about AUR. I think I may develop a pipeline for automatic AUR releases

Feel free to reopen if issue persists