muxinc / hls-video-element

A custom element (web component) for playing HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) videos.
MIT License
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Support tracks (subtitles, thumbnails) as children of the element #6

Closed AdrianMrn closed 2 years ago

AdrianMrn commented 3 years ago

Hey! We're using this library and media-chrome, I'd like to add a thumbnail track in combination with support for m3u8 files that I pull from Mux, so basically this:

but with the hls-video element. I've tried extending/copying the hls-video web component, but I haven't figured out how to place the track into the actual

I was hoping this would work:

<hls-video-custom slot="media" src={videoSrc}>

It looks like maybe custom-video-element should allow appending children to the native video element here:

Maybe something like this in custom-video-element?

if (template.nativeChild) {
AdrianMrn commented 3 years ago

Managed to add it like this:

get thumbnailsSrc() {
    return this.getAttribute('thumbnailsSrc');

set thumbnailsSrc(val) {
    if (val !== this.thumbnailsSrc) {
        this.setAttribute('thumbnailsSrc', val);

Then in if (Hls.isSupported):

if (this.thumbnailsSrc) {
    const thumbnailTrack = document.createElement('track');
    thumbnailTrack.setAttribute('label', 'thumbnails');
    thumbnailTrack.setAttribute('default', 'true');
    thumbnailTrack.setAttribute('kind', 'metadata');
    thumbnailTrack.setAttribute('src', this.thumbnailsSrc);

heff commented 3 years ago

Glad you were able to figure it out!

I think we should be supporting it as a child track if possible in custom-video-element. Not sure how that's going to work with custom element slots, but it's worth figuring out.

Going to re-open and rename this.

AdrianMrn commented 3 years ago

Sound good 👍 let me know if you need me to try anything out.

heff commented 2 years ago

@AdrianMrn child track elements should be working now. Give it a shot if you can.

AdrianMrn commented 2 years ago

@heff Thanks! This works great in combination with mux-chrome 👍