muxinc / media-chrome

Custom elements (web components) for making audio and video player controls that look great in your website or app.
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<MediaController> takes focus? #866

Open intelligence opened 3 months ago

intelligence commented 3 months ago

After some thorough head scratching I've tracked down that introducing in my app makes it takes focus in a carousel slider. I've got a Mux video on slide 2 and whenever is there it will jump to that slide. Disabling the carousel feature and simply having a horizontal scroll produces the same result. Removing or setting display: none on it, fixes it.

Any idea what might cause this behaviour?

luwes commented 2 months ago

could you provide an online demo or code sandbox? that will help a lot with debugging

have you tried changing the tabindex attribute?

intelligence commented 2 months ago

Hey! I'm in the middle of getting this project production ready so I'll get back to you later.

I tried settings tabindex to -1 and 500 but that didn't change the behaviour.