muxinc / upchunk

Uploads Chunks! Takes big files, splits them up, then uploads each one with care (and PUT requests).
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How to pass additional data with request #132

Open sts-ryan-holton opened 8 months ago

sts-ryan-holton commented 8 months ago

Hi, I'm using this package in my Laravel 11 project using Livewire v3. I need to pass the file along with other data I have. How can I achieve this? My top level element with x-data on it contains:

Note the createUpload function here. That's where it's happening

    uploader: null,
    dropping: false,
    progress: 0,
    schedule: {
      file: null,
      notes: null,
      start_processing_at: '{{ now()->addMinutes(5)->toDateTimeString() }}',
      priority: 50

    cancel () {
      if (! this.uploader) {


      $nextTick(() => {
        this.uploader = null
        this.progress = 0

    setDropFile (event) {
      const file = event.dataTransfer?.files[0] ||[0]

      if (! file) {

      this.schedule.file = file

    handleUpload () {
      this.uploader = createUpload({
        file: this.schedule.file,
        endpoint: '{{ route('livewire.upload') }}',
        method: 'post',
        headers: {
          'X-CSRF-TOKEN': '{{ csrf_token() }}'
        chunkSize: 2.5 * 1024

      this.uploader.on('progress', (progress) => {
        this.progress = progress.detail

      this.uploader.on('chunkSuccess', (response) => {
        if (! response.detail.response.body) {

        $'handleUploadSuccess',, JSON.parse(response.detail.response.body).file)

      this.uploader.on('uploadSuccess', () => {
        this.uploader = null
        this.progress = 0
mmcc commented 8 months ago

What kind of data are you looking to pass along with the file? My gut instinct is that this feels like it's probably out of scope for UpChunk itself, but if you're talking about relatively small amounts of data you could always just pass that along in headers like you're doing with the CSRF token.

sts-ryan-holton commented 8 months ago

I'm trying to pass the following object:

  file: file,
  notes: '',
  start_processing_at: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss',
  priority: 50

It would be great if we could pass additional stuff cause my form contains more than just an upload element, so not sure how this would work without more field options? :eye:

bumpyy commented 5 months ago

Have you found the solution ?

sts-ryan-holton commented 5 months ago

I ended up just passing it as a request header, not ideal for anything larger

bumpyy commented 5 months ago

I ended up just passing it as a request header, not ideal for anything larger

Thats unfortunate, thanks for the reply.