muzimuzhi / thmtools

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FR: Predefined theorems #31

Open muzimuzhi opened 1 year ago

muzimuzhi commented 1 year ago

With package options standard, ntheorem will define "a standard set of theorems", see texdoc ntheorem, sec. 2.3.6. thmtools could have this feature too, as requested (softly) by @dbitouze in texstudio-org/texstudio#2875.

To be honest I'm not a big fan of this sort of predefined things. Users always want to partially overwrite the "default" settings. Support for inheritable theorem styles (#15) has higher precedence than current feature request.

Also note that a modern set of standard theorem should be integrated with localization and internationalization, e.g., babel and/or translations.

dbitouze commented 1 year ago

With package options standard, ntheorem will define "a standard set of theorems", see texdoc ntheorem, sec. 2.3.6. thmtools could have this feature too, as requested (softly) by @dbitouze in texstudio-org/texstudio#2875.

Sorry for this :wink:!

To be honest I'm not a big fan of this sort of predefined things.

Too bad!

Users always want to partially overwrite the "default" settings.

Indeed, but predefined things often are a good starting point. BTW, beamer provides such predefined “theorems”.

Also note that a modern set of standard theorem should be integrated with localization and internationalization, e.g., babel and/or translations.

Indeed. This could be collectively done by the community. BTW, beamer provides such predefined localized “theorems”.

muzimuzhi commented 1 year ago

BTW, beamer provides such predefined localized “theorems”.

That's because beamer makes an extensive use of \translate from translations package.

dbitouze commented 1 year ago

BTW, beamer provides such predefined localized “theorems”.

That's because beamer makes an extensive use of \translate from translations package.

Indeed but IMO, translations is not a big deal since, I guess, volunteers would be happy to help.

Nevertheless, the fact remains that beamer provides such predefined “theorems”. :wink:

muzimuzhi commented 1 year ago

Since \declaretheorem{<list of thm envs>} accepts a comma-separated list of theorem-like env names, defining groups of "default theorems" can be done in small number of lines, maybe only three lines. Thus new I tend to add these lines to package document, with discussion about i18n translations.

dbitouze commented 1 year ago

Since \declaretheorem{<list of thm envs>} accepts a comma-separated list of theorem-like env names, defining groups of "default theorems" can be done in small number of lines, maybe only three lines. Thus new I tend to add these lines to package document, with discussion about i18n translations.

Only in the documentation? Too bad! :wink: