muzuiget / dualsub-support

Dualsub - Dual Subtitles for YouTube
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Firefox 网站权限问题 | Firefox website permissions issue #596

Closed muzuiget closed 1 month ago

muzuiget commented 2 months ago


2024-05-25 更新:根据这篇文章,Firefox 127 开始又打算改成 Chrome 一样的行为了。

在 Firefox 里,Manifest V3 扩展的网站权限默认是临时授权的。

临时授权的情况下,Dualsub 字幕菜单不能提前初始化,用户需要关闭弹出页面然后再次打开来刷新字幕菜单。




Android 版


目前只能通过扩展主动申请:在 设置 > 通用 > 请求网站权限,点击 按钮。


如果你已经阅读了这个帖子,可以到 设置 > 通用 > 隐藏提示信息,勾选 dualsub-support#596 单选框。


Update 2024-05-25: According to this article, Firefox 127 is starting to change to the same behavior as Chrome.

In Firefox, website permissions for the Manifest V3 extension are temporary permissions by default.

In the case of temporary permissions, the Dualsub subtitle menu cannot be initialized early, and users need to close the popup page and re-open it to refresh the subtitle menu.

Firefox for desktop

Users can switch to persistent permissions through the context menu.


Firefox for Android

Currently, the latest Android version does not have a context menu similar to the desktop version, and the extension management page does not have a similar operation interface.

Currently, the only workaround is to request the permission from the extension side: In Settings > General > Request Website Permissions, click the button.

Hide this alert message

If you have read this post, you can go to Settings > General > Hide Alert Messages, check the dualsub-support#596 checkbox.

muzuiget commented 1 month ago

Firefox 127 之后不需要处理这个问题了。