mvandersteen / SungrowInverter

Allows to pull data from a Sungrow residential inverter via Modbus TCP
26 stars 16 forks source link

Missing and broken dependencies #5

Closed karottenreibe closed 1 year ago

karottenreibe commented 1 year ago

Tried installing on python 3.10.5. This failed due to:

This fixed it for me:

pip install pyserial-asyncio
pip install pymodbus==2.4.0

It would probably best to update requirements.txt to list the missing package and pin the pymodbus package to the desired older version.

mvandersteen commented 1 year ago

This is due to the updates required for pymodbus version 3. The maintainer of SungrowModbusTCPClient has made the changes necessary to his package but its not been updated on PyPI yet so will have a look and see what I can do to get this working, without reliance on that package for now.

mvandersteen commented 1 year ago

Fixed while waiting for release of 0.1.7 of SungrowModbusTCP to PyPi. Hopefully no breaking changes in future to pymodbus