Open dfashimpaur opened 4 years ago
This helper function might help, using OpenSSL:
import OpenSSL
from OpenSSL import crypto
from zeep.wsse.signature import Signature
from zeep import Client as cl
# helper funtion to generate certificate and keys
def create_csr(common_name, country=None, state=None, city=None,
organization=None, organizational_unit=None,
key = crypto.PKey()
key.generate_key(crypto.TYPE_RSA, 2048)
req = crypto.X509()
req.get_subject().CN = common_name
if organizational_unit:
req.get_subject().OU = organizational_unit
if organization:
req.get_subject().O = organization
if city:
req.get_subject().L = city
if state:
req.get_subject().ST = state
if country:
req.get_subject().C = country
if email_address:
req.get_subject().emailAddress = email_address
req.sign(key, 'sha256')
private_key = crypto.dump_privatekey(
crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key)
public_key = crypto.dump_publickey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key)
csr = crypto.dump_certificate(
crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, req)
out_keys = {
"private key" : private_key,
"public key": public_key,
"certificate": csr,
"reqest": req
return out_keys
# call the function
certificate = create_csr(common_name="somename",
country="country in ISO format (ex: DK, FR, UK, DE)"
# now you have keys and certificate in a dictionary, just write them to files
with open('cert.pem', "wb") as f:
with open('public.pem', "wb") as f:
f.write(certificate['public key'])
with open('private.pem', "wb") as f:
f.write(certificate['private key'])
# then do your signed request
url = ""
client = cl(url, wsse=Singnature("private.pem", "cert.pem"))
Hope this helps
Keystore and keytool are Java specific tooling. You will need to extract your cert and key in PEM format using keytool. Zeep can work with PEM formatted certificates and keys.
I am trying to use zeep to send SOAP messages to a server that requires x509 certificates. I am confused with the Signature object for the wsse attribute. What is meant by a private key path versus a public key path? I generated a key in a keystore using keytool. I exported a certificate but I do not see how to find the public key and private key and to separate them into a file.