mvantellingen / python-zeep

A Python SOAP client
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Wrongs Namespace #1392

Open isysoftware opened 9 months ago

isysoftware commented 9 months ago

Hi All.

I have some problems on loading a WSDL. WSDL reference two schema: `


Schema1.xsd include another XSD: <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified"> <xs:include schemaLocation="../xsd/APICommon.xsd"/>

I have two kind of problem: 1 - Before I create the client with Client(wsdl=mywsdl), I need to change the WSDL adding a . before /xsd: <xs:include schemaLocation="./xsd/Account.xsd"/> 2 - Client(wsdl=mywsdl) fails: Unable to resolve type {}AVAILABILITY. No schema available for the namespace ''. AVAILABILITY is defined in APICommon.xsd that is include in Schema1.xsd; APICommon1.xsd has xmlns:xs="" as namespace.

What's wrong?