mvantellingen / python-zeep

A Python SOAP client
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httpx: DeprecationWarning: Use 'content=<...>' to upload raw bytes/text content. #1404

Open buhln opened 5 months ago

buhln commented 5 months ago

I am using httpx for asynchronous and SSL protected requests to an SOAP server.

httpx_ssl_verify = httpx.create_ssl_context(verify="cert.pem")
httpx_client = httpx.AsyncClient(auth=(user, password), verify=httpx_ssl_verify, timeout=15)

An example for the request itself in an async function is:

client = zeep.AsyncClient(wsdl, transport=AsyncTransport(client=httpx_client))

This requests are working fine but results in a deprecation warning, too:

python3.10/site-packages/httpx/ DeprecationWarning: Use 'content=<...>' to upload raw bytes/text content.

I am not quiet sure if this is an issue of httpx itself or zeep, but I see no possibility to follow the recommendation of the warning message from my understanding.

Used versions:
