mvantellingen / python-zeep

A Python SOAP client
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Getting 404 on loading #1417

Open junctionapps opened 5 months ago

junctionapps commented 5 months ago

Some schemas include a namespace like


It seems like either the site hosting that occasionally goes down, or is throttling requests in some way. As a result, Zeep throws a 404 (or in some cases a 403) error when it attempts to load that file.

What I'm posting here is likely not the best way to overcome this, but maybe it will help someone else who comes along.

I'm using a Django application here, so this will be a little bit Django centric, but should be easy enough to adapt to your needs. I've been able to get a copy of the contents of and saved them locally inside of my app folder and named the file soap-encodings.xml. After that I created my own Transport class and overwrote the load method and added a little bit for recognizing if it is the offending schema.

class LocalSchemaTransport(Transport):
    Overrides Transport to accommodate local version of schema for
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def load(self, url):
        """Load the content from the given URL"""
        if not url:
            raise ValueError("No url given to load")

        scheme = urlparse(url).scheme
        if scheme in ("http", "https", "file"):

            if self.cache:
                response = self.cache.get(url)
                if response:
                    return bytes(response)

            # this url was causing some issues (404 errors); it is now saved locally for fast retrieval when needed
            if url == '':
                base_dir = settings.BASE_DIR
                app_path = 'put_the_folder_of_appname_here'
                soap_encodings_file = base_dir / app_path / 'soap-encodings.xml'
                with open(soap_encodings_file, 'rb') as fh:

            content = self._load_remote_data(url)

            if self.cache:
                self.cache.add(url, content)

            return content
            with open(os.path.expanduser(url), "rb") as fh:

Following that, to use this in your code, you do something like:

client = Client(wsdl,

If there is a way to do this with a provided argument I'd love to know it.

Feel free to close the ticket, just wanted to drop in one way to get around it.

tswfi commented 5 months ago

Thanks, I was just hit by this also! Do you have the contents of the file? I'm getting 404 all the time from the site. I did check waybackmachine but I'm not 100% sure it does a 1:1 copy of xml that way...

nc9 commented 5 months ago

@tswfi I've mirrored it here:

So many issues with WSDL files that I just make a local copy of the service WSDL file and then update the schema directly, and then point the client to that local copy of the WSDL

junctionapps commented 5 months ago

@tswfi Saved as a txt for upload to github purposes.

Steve-Roderick commented 5 months ago

wow - @junctionapps - the LocalSchemaTransport worked! Yr a legend - thank you!

I saved the xml file locally and then modified this part of your code to adapt:


app_path = 'put_the_folder_of_appname_here'
soap_encodings_file = base_dir / app_path / 'soap-encodings.xml'


Get path to this script.
base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

# Save soap-encodings.xml locally in the same directory as the script.
soap_encodings_file = os.path.join(base_dir, 'soap-encodings.xml')

Thanks again!

austin-wentz commented 5 months ago

Ran into this issue as well. Another possible solution that doesn't require a custom Transport is to warm the cache with any WSDL files you want. Something like

for url, filename in SCHEMAS_TO_CACHE:
    with open(filename, "rb") as fh:
tswfi commented 5 months ago

@mvantellingen what do you think, maybe zeep could ship with some of those default documents that do not change that often and always use the local copies?

ahahamyan commented 5 months ago

Just reloaded and integration appears to be working now - is coming back. 404 issue is resolved looks like.