mvasigh / dispatch-action

Github Action for triggering other workflows via message passing
MIT License
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Trigger workflow in the same repository but other branch than default #15

Closed rafaelrsilva closed 3 years ago

rafaelrsilva commented 3 years ago

When I run a workflow from a branch A, and that workflow triggers a repository_dispatch workflow, the latter ends up running from the last commit on the default branch, not branch A.

Is there a way to trigger workflow by specifying a branch?

mvasigh commented 3 years ago

Hey @rafaelrsilva

Unfortunately, repository_dispatch events (which this action uses) only trigger on the default branch.

Apparently Github has released a new event type since I wrote this action called workflow_dispatch that can trigger workflows on non-default branches. Maybe you could check those out, there's probably an action in the marketplace that sends those.

Here's a link that might be useful. Hope that helps!

rafaelrsilva commented 3 years ago

I'm using workflow_dispatch. In fact, I was trying to trigger repository_dispatch from workflow_dispatch.

Unfortunately, even calling workflow_dispatch from another branch, repository_dispatch is always triggered on default branch.

My workaround for that situation was to send commit's SHA alongside the additional data and checkout repository from that commit.

- name: Trigger another workflow
  uses: mvasigh/dispatch-action@main
    token: ${{ secrets.ACCESS_TOKEN }}
    event_type: event
    message: |
        "sha": "${{ github.sha }}"
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
    ref: ${{ github.event.client_payload.message.sha }}
    persist-credentials: false

I think this solves my problem, for now. Thanks for replying, @mvasigh! 👍

mvasigh commented 3 years ago

Nice, that's a clever solution! Glad you could get it working.