mvidner / ruby-dbus

A Ruby binding for DBus
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Multithread in ruby-dbus #7

Open flagos opened 14 years ago

flagos commented 14 years ago


We quite need for our project to use ruby-dbus multhreaded. This feature is not supported as reported in 20 - 21 -22. We are thinking about an implementation and we want to have an enlightened opinion before coding it.

The problem seems to be due to update_buffer function and Update_buffer function doesn’t know from which does come the previous request and the first thread that take income takes the request. A way to solve it may be to dedicate a thread that wait and return the buffer to the according thread:

if message-type is METHOD_CALL or SIGNAL, return to main thread. if MESSAGE_RETURN, return to concerned thread. To do so, we need when sending a message to log in a hash (for example) the thread it cames from.

The thread will wait a Thread.stop and will be restarted from the dedicated one with a

Do you agree with this implementation, do you see limitations from that ?

lschneiderbauer commented 14 years ago

Sorry to interrupt. I experienced some problems, when adding signal-callbacks after starting the dbus-main-loop. The added callbacks simply don't get called in this case. But this szenario is often required. For example, when communicating with Networkmanager (signal-callbacks for changed Wifi Accesspoints must be added on runtime).

Does your multithreading-implementation aim such a feature as well?

mvidner commented 14 years ago

Hi flagos,

hurray, thanks for offering the help with threads. The approach looks reasonable to me, however, I don't consider myself knowledgeable enough around concurrency and thread safety. I'll read up and ask around. As this deserves a broader discussion, why don't we continue on the mailing list?

Please go ahead, but remember to include test cases. They don't have to be perfect, just a sample of code that somehow fails with the current library. I am sending one test case in progress [to the mailing list]: it hangs after invoking the method about 2 times in each thread, I haven't looked yet where in code it gets stuck.


mvidner commented 11 years ago

Status: some stalled attempts to solve this, from Jaunary 2011, are in