mviereck / x11docker

Run GUI applications and desktops in docker and podman containers. Focus on security.
MIT License
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Crashing with Wayland and `--user=RETAIN` #480

Closed TheFloatingBrain closed 1 year ago

TheFloatingBrain commented 1 year ago


Awesome project! Way more flexible to use than my little manager! I have a bit of a problem though, I am trying to run an application, and I don't want to import any external information into it, so I specified --user=RETAIN but this causes the application to crash, it works fine without this option, it also crashes if I specify --user=user (where user is a user I created in the dockerfile)

Here is the log

Running this with podman, with wayland and --cap-add=SYS_CHROOT

I do have a work around for the moment, using x11docker/xfce as a base image, but I would really like to be able to just use the windows on my host desktop


mviereck commented 1 year ago

Awesome project!

Thank you! :-)

I see two issues: