mviereck / x11docker

Run GUI applications and desktops in docker and podman containers. Focus on security.
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Pulseaudio setup not works, while creating container from linux service #489

Closed yuraSomatic closed 1 year ago

yuraSomatic commented 1 year ago

I created linux service, that runs docker run command with pulseaudio setup from your tutorual. It works good, when started from user terminal, but fails when started from service. I think it maybe related to "Container user must be same as on host" requirement, or I need to add something like After=pulseaudio to my service file Please, give me some hint if you know what it may be.

yuraSomatic commented 1 year ago

Solved, by adding 2 env vars to the service file. Solution from this source. You can add this to your docker sound tutorual for completeness.
