mviereck / x11docker

Run GUI applications and desktops in docker and podman containers. Focus on security.
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Consider checking for and using system getent before using custom getent #496

Closed BuildingAtom closed 1 year ago

BuildingAtom commented 1 year ago

Hi, I was testing this script in a shared server setting where we use freeipa for logins and encountered the error:

x11docker ERROR: Could not find user '...' in /etc/passwd.

Since we use freeipa, our users aren't stored in the /etc/passwd file. The system getent command is capable of working with this, but the custom getent command used isn't. I realize this was implemented to address #477 where getent wasn't implemented for some systems/shells.

I think some way of testing for and using the system getent first would suffice. I haven't tested thoroughly, but I made the following quick change below to get it working for me.

mygetent() {
  command -v getent >/dev/null 2>&1 && getent $1 $2 || \
  grep "^${2:-NOENTRY}:" < "/etc/${1:-NOFILESPECIFIED}"
mviereck commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much! You suggested code is implemented in the latest master version.