mvllow / modes.nvim

Prismatic line decorations for the adventurous vim user
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Respect user's `guicursor` settings #54

Closed zahimeen closed 3 months ago

zahimeen commented 4 months ago

users may have options like these in their config.

vim.opt.guicursor = "a:block" -- no more line or underline cursors, just block and all block

by design, modes.nvim overwrites any user defined settings as it applies its own stuff. (e.g. i-ci-ve:ver25-ModesInsert)

"well zahimeen, why not just do the setting after setup?" the problem there is that the settings made by modes.nvim don't care. either they hold higher presidency for a reason i dont know about, or it could be that the plugin constantly sets the guicursor values, and because its the latest setting, it holds higher value.

when set_cursor = false, everything works dandy cause the plugin doesnt have to redefine guicursor. but i want my block cursor and highlights :(

idk whats going on man but this plugin is sick much love <3