mvllow / modes.nvim

Prismatic line decorations for the adventurous vim user
MIT License
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Setting the background of the line number? #64

Open Oneechan69 opened 1 month ago

Oneechan69 commented 1 month ago

This Reddit post shows off a similar plugin but it also shows a background color on the line number (line 13)

CleanShot 2024-10-14 at 00 42 15@2x

fitrh commented 1 month ago

You can achieve that by setting the Modes<mode>CursorLineNr highlight, where <mode> is one of Delete|Copy|Visual|Insert

For Normal mode, simply set the CursorLineNr highlight

Here is a preview when I set ModesDeleteCursorLineNr to have a darker background than the cursorline


fitrh commented 1 month ago

Beside CursorLine, modes.nvim has highlight groups to modify CursorLineNr, CursorLineFold, and CursorLineSign, they are prefixed with Modes<mode>*, I wish I had time to document them

Actually, configuring the appearance via highlight groups is my preferred way to configure modes.nvim