mvndaemon / homebrew-mvnd

This is a homebrew tap for mvnd, the Maven Daemon.
Apache License 2.0
7 stars 6 forks source link

Add a release script and a GitHub workflow invoking it #1

Closed ppalaga closed 3 years ago

ppalaga commented 3 years ago

The main idea is to invoke the job defined in .github/workflows/release.yaml from the main mvnd repo when releasing. The invocation from the main mvnd repo is TBD.

@michael-simons could you please confirm that the changes in ed3d389 is all we need in this repo when releasing?

michael-simons commented 3 years ago

That works great!

Here's what I did to confirm (for future reference)

# Only needed on first change from my repo
# brew untap michael-simons/mvnd
brew tap ppalaga/homebrew-mvnd
brew tap
# Gives you
# ppalaga/mvnd
cd /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/ppalaga/homebrew-mvnd
git checkout 201025-release-script
brew upgrade mvnd
# Gives you
# ==> Upgrading 1 outdated package:
# ppalaga/mvnd/mvnd 0.0.8 -> 0.0.9
# ==> Upgrading ppalaga/mvnd/mvnd 0.0.8 -> 0.0.9

Also the test now succeeds with my Mac that had issues with

brew test mvnd
==> Testing ppalaga/mvnd/mvnd
==> /usr/local/Cellar/mvnd/0.0.9/bin/mvnd -gs /private/tmp/mvnd-test-20201025-6460-3sy9nt/settings.xml compile

It's a go from me, thank you very much!