mvondracek / PA193_mnemonic_Slytherin

BIP39 Mnemonic Phrase Generator and Verifier
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Presentation #8

Closed mvondracek closed 4 years ago

mvondracek commented 4 years ago

Notes for final presentation of our secure development project:

mvondracek commented 4 years ago
mvondracek commented 4 years ago
mvondracek commented 4 years ago

Validation of internal resources, testing with mocking ResourceManager. 064bad28e8ebd6fb93ba8493a0a8aa5ab53e58d0

mvondracek commented 4 years ago

Fuzzing mnemonic, seed, entropy, password with radamsa

mvondracek commented 4 years ago
mvondracek commented 4 years ago
mvondracek commented 4 years ago

Testing divided to: doctest, unit tests, integration tests, reference tests. + fuzzing

mvondracek commented 4 years ago

Code analysis tools incorporated to our CI pipeline:

Code coverage analysis:

mvondracek commented 4 years ago

Python package with installation, package data, and CLI tool.

mvondracek commented 4 years ago

Validation of inputs (maybe taint analysis?) using instantiation. After reading from user/files and until instantiation of our classes, data are consideres insecure. Later, when we are dealing with instances of our classes, data are considered secure.

mvondracek commented 4 years ago

Example of package usage (API) from generated docs (sphinx). Example, how our typechecking is more like better UX for programmers, but in Python, programmer could always create broken instance inherited from our class, which would sys.exit(1) after any our method gets called.

mvondracek commented 4 years ago