mvondracek / VUT-FIT-POVa-2018-Pedestrian-Tracking

Computer vision system for tracking pedestrians in a scene observed by multiple cameras.
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Project presentation #1

Closed mvondracek closed 5 years ago

mvondracek commented 5 years ago

Project presentations are scheduled for Thursday 2018-01-04 14:00 in M103.

The Final presentation is very important as it strongly influences our perception of the whole project. Don't underestimate it. The presentations are in January and attendance is mandatory for all team members. You would get 0b otherwise. Earlier time slots for the presentation can be arranged. Be prepared for questions. A data projector will be available - prepare slides. Maximum length is 10 minutes. Don't explain existing methods (we generally know how they work). Explain your project - what was the task, how did you solve it, how well it works, what were the main challenges.

mvondracek commented 5 years ago

@flaxh please prepare content concerning your work (what was the task, how did you solve it, how well it works, what were the main challenges)

@xstast24 please prepare content concerning your work (what was the task, how did you solve it, how well it works, what were the main challenges)

mvondracek commented 5 years ago

Final presentation is in ./xpetro11,xstast24,xvondr20.pdf on release tag WIS (4d7e3074e0c5b666e539764c22e001951c25f033)

mvondracek commented 5 years ago

The Final presentation is very important as it strongly influences our perception of the whole project. Don't underestimate it. Be prepared for questions. A data projector will be available - prepare slides. Maximum length is 10 minutes - optimal length is 8 minutes. Don't explain existing methods (we generally know how they work). Explain your project - What was the task? How did you solve it? How well it works? What were the main challenges?

A reasonable presentation outline may be: 1) Define the task, your goals. 2) (Optional) What was your inspiration? Did someone try to do something similar before you? 3) What exactly did you do? 4) Description of datasets / experiments. 5) Results 6) Conclusion: - What were the biggest challenges? What are you proud of? What are the limitations? What could be done in the future?

mvondracek commented 5 years ago

Presenatation date: 2019-01-09 Mo 15:00-17:00 @xstast24, @flaxh, please don't forget about it,

mvondracek commented 5 years ago

Project presentation as pptx was added in f5d2d3c27951a8a267d176c5cdfa90e4de5e01d6.

mvondracek commented 5 years ago

Updated presentation a8158a873cd2c247e6197304a41692dd55088628 @xstast24 Please measure detection time for OpenPoseDetector and OpenPoseBinaryDetector on CPU and on GPU on your computers and then update the presentation.

Feel free to edit and update the presentation.