mvysny / photocloud-frame-slideshow

Android Digital Photo Frame
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Feature Request: Play on-device GIF animations #143

Open jlyon1515 opened 3 years ago

jlyon1515 commented 3 years ago

First off, let me say I love this app. It was almost exactly what I was looking for, and I tried out a ton of these apps. Yours is the best for my needs!

That being said, I have an art project where I would love it if I could use your app to play animated GIFs (cinemagraphs to be specific). I'd even be willing to put a bounty on this extra feature. Somewhat related, I noticed that if an on-device folder is set to play, if there is only one image, the app has a little fade to black and fade back in on the same image. Wouldn't it make sense to not show that little... hiccup?

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mvysny commented 3 years ago

First off, let me say I love this app. It was almost exactly what I was looking for, and I tried out a ton of these apps. Yours is the best for my needs!

Thank you, I'm happy to hear that :+1:

That being said, I have an art project where I would love it if I could use your app to play animated GIFs (cinemagraphs to be specific). I'd even be willing to put a bounty on this extra feature.

That's really problematic. The problem is that the PhotoCloud is decoding the images in the background, loading the uncompressed pixel data directly into the memory for faster performance. However, with animated gif, every frame would most probably occupy the same memory as one independent image, making the animated gif highly memory-intensive, almost surely crashing PhotoCloud.

Therefore, if I am to support animated gifs, I have to treat them in a highly special way, exactly as videos: I can't load them in-memory, I can't cache them, etc... Please see #1 for more details.

Somewhat related, I noticed that if an on-device folder is set to play, if there is only one image, the app has a little fade to black and fade back in on the same image. Wouldn't it make sense to not show that little... hiccup?

Yeah, you're right. Could you open a new bug report regarding this please?