I noticed in Vertnet that one or more of your specimens has the incorrect location for Pomona Recreation Club. I haven't been able to determine the exact location unknown but fide Pierce (1915) (Condor v17:130) this is 8 miles N or Corona, CA (Riverside Co) near the Santa Ana River. From GeoLocate I determined the coordinates and accruacy as: 33.946164N, 117.558799W, 17610 meters.
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley. MVZ Bird Collection (Arctos). Record ID: http://arctos.database.museum/guid/MVZ:Bird:106751?seid=731459. Source: http://ipt.vertnet.org:8080/ipt/resource.do?r=mvz_bird (source published on 2016-06-24)
Hi, I noticed in Vertnet that one or more of your specimens has the incorrect location for Pomona Recreation Club. I haven't been able to determine the exact location unknown but fide Pierce (1915) (Condor v17:130) this is 8 miles N or Corona, CA (Riverside Co) near the Santa Ana River. From GeoLocate I determined the coordinates and accruacy as: 33.946164N, 117.558799W, 17610 meters.
Best wishes- Jean Woods, DMNH
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