mw55309 / poRe_docs

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Error in #2

Open NathanielLegall opened 7 years ago

NathanielLegall commented 7 years ago

I'm having a bit of trouble extracting the metadata from our 1D reads. I suspect that this might be a format issue but I'm a newbee so help would be appreciated.

I've tried both the new and old formats referred to in

BG_3 <- Warning message: NAs introduced by coercion plot.length.histogram(BG_3) Bg_4 <-, path.t="/Analyses/Basecall_1D_000/", path.c="/Analyses/Basecall_1D_000/") Warning message: NAs introduced by coercion plot.length.histogram(BG_4) Error in plot.length.histogram(BG_4) : object 'BG_4' not found

..but neither appear to work and give the error 'NAs introduced by coercion'. The error doesn't come up when I try it with the test data...

newbc2 <- system.file("/extdata/f5/new_bc", package="poRe") lambda <- max(lambda$tlen) [1] 16387

...which is why I think that it might a formatting issue since ONT appear to keep changing the .fast5 file formatting.

Update: I've changed the files that poRe is looking at to files that have definitely been base called. I still received the warning message: NAs introduced by coercion after running but it is taking a while to run plot.length.histogram. Will update again with result.

mw55309 commented 7 years ago


Can you run sessionInfo() and post the results?

Also, which version of poRe are you using?

Cheers Mick