The leaderboard website displays scores submitted by different players. It also allows you to submit your score. All data is preserved thanks to an external API. Technologies used are JavaScript(ES6), HTML5, CSS3, Webpack. Also, the Gitflow workflow was used.
Thank you for sharing your code. We just noticed some minor issues as listed below:
Currently there is no indication of any error if user submit empty form. It is good that on js part, you don't add empty records to the board but it is good to give some indication to the user to understand the issue.
It would be better to add required attribute to input fields in the form to prevent empty field submission
It seems you didn't use gitflow. Please make sure each new featur branch is made from develop branch. This means after merging the PR to develop, pull the latest changes on you local clone (on develop branch) and then make a new branch from there
It is good that you made the project responsive. Just it would be good to add some padding to the form section so the the title and the button have some distance from edges.
Thank you for sharing your code. We just noticed some minor issues as listed below:
All the bests