mwageringel / everest

A mathematical puzzle game
GNU General Public License v3.0
71 stars 10 forks source link

Request for Help feature #23

Open x64x2 opened 1 year ago

x64x2 commented 1 year ago

There should be a detailed help feature that should list how to play the game

HalosGhost commented 1 year ago

Maybe a good middle-ground would be to offer a summary of the rule(s) introduced in each level after the level is complete. This both offers confirmation to users that they understood correctly, and offers a means of taking a break but being able to dive back in somewhat quickly.

A slightly nicer UX would be to have a rules page which gets added to after each level is completed (so that you can see all of them on one page).

sbliven commented 5 months ago

Yeah, some sort of hint system would be nice. Maybe new operators could have some examples. I found myself brute forcing level 8 because I hadn't built up a good definition for the dotted | operator.