mwarning / zerotier-openwrt

A OpenWrt package for ZeroTier One - Pull requests are welcome!
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Mikrotik #16

Closed warrendt closed 7 years ago

warrendt commented 7 years ago

Hi there,

Would this be able to be ported to a Mikrotik (RouterOS) package


mwarning commented 7 years ago

@zombiespawn yes, I think so. But I do not have any experience with RouterOS.

cabsandy commented 7 years ago

How difficult/how much work would it be to have the pre-built images updated to the latest 1.2.4 version? I'd like to have a go if it is too much work, if someone points me in the right direction :-)

mwarning commented 7 years ago

I do not know anything about RouterOS except that it is linux based.. So far (openwrt fork/heir) has packages for ZeroTier 1.2.4 and images for many mikrotik devices.

cabsandy commented 7 years ago

Ahh sorry-should have put this in a seperate post-I meant for ALL types of HW-so not just Router OS.Sorry.