mwaskom / seaborn

Statistical data visualization in Python
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Feature request: Add argument "fill" to lineplot() #2410

Closed normanius closed 2 years ago

normanius commented 3 years ago

kdeplot() offers an argument fill. It would be nice to offer this argument to lineplot() as well.

   data=data, x="x", y="y", hue="category", fill=True, palette="crest", alpha=.5, linewidth=0

image (image from kdeplot docu)

Keep in mind that the lineplot can be used in the context of a polar plot (axis projection: "polar").

PS: happy New Year!

mwaskom commented 3 years ago

I am -1 on adding this to lineplot, but am somewhat open to the idea of an areaplot. There are a few things one would need to think about though:

So if the question is "should seaborn have an area plot that can't do aggregation/errorbars and only has hue semantic mapping" my answer would probably be no because that exists in pandas builtin plotting and I try not to devote effort to straight up duplication of plots you can already make with matplotlib or pandas. If some of these problems can be solved, I'd consider it worth adding to seaborn. But it's a low priority right now.

normanius commented 3 years ago

Thanks. I'm a visualization novice, but I dare to answer your thoughts :)

Summary: After considering your arguments, I don't really see added value for an independent areaplot() other than duplicating pd.DataFrame.plot.area() with seaborn semantics (which I consider desirable). I think, the fill polygon is an attribute of a line and therefore should be part of lineplot rather than devoting a separate function to it. But I see the problems regarding seaborn semantics.

Example: Error bounds drawn with lineplot():


Example: Where area filling can be useful

Shading the region under the curve improves a plot if the area under the curve somehow carries a meaning. I've recently worked with polar projections. While the eye is lost quickly if only lines are drawn, the shading is useful for reading the plot.

mwaskom commented 3 years ago

But isn't seaborn's theme, hue/style selection or handling of the legend superior compared to pandas' plotting features?

Not really, because seaborn does all of its theming through the matplotlib rc system, which pandas plots also pick up. So if you set a theme "in seaborn", it will affect pandas plots too.

I don't think it makes much sense to have a lineplot that draws areas ... lineplot uses filling to represent uncertainty which is different (in tension with, actually) using it to represent the quantity.

But ... on the user side it's easy to define a simple function that adds fills to a line plot, e.g. something like

def fill_under_lines(ax=None, alpha=.2, **kwargs):
    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()
    for line in ax.lines:
        x, y = line.get_xydata().T
        ax.fill_between(x, 0, y, color=line.get_color(), alpha=alpha, **kwargs)

If you have that sitting in a personal function library, you can call it after you make a lineplot and it will add fills that match the lines in your plot, essentially just as you'd like.

normanius commented 3 years ago

But ... on the user side it's easy to define a simple function that adds fills to a line plot, e.g. something like

This is indeed easy enough, at least for the basic use case. It's a bit more complicated if the canvas contains extra lines for which no filling is required. (Here, some "meta-information" about the items drawn by seaborn would be useful to easily select the lines of interest. But that's another item for the wishlist. I think you referred to it in other occasions already, e.g. in issue #2132.)

Below an example for "hybrid" plotting using seaborn and pandas. Maybe this will be of use to anyone.

Either way, there are convincing arguments now to drop this feature. The only question that remains is why fill was introduced to kdeplot() :)

Example: Hybrid plotting with seaborn and pandas

    _, ax = plt.subplots()

    # df is in long format, pandas requires wide format.
    df = pd.read_csv("data.csv")
    df_wide = df.pivot(index="Month", columns="City", values="Value")

    sns.lineplot(x="Month", y="Value", hue="City", data=df, ax=ax, legend=False)
    df_wide.plot.area(stacked=False, alpha=0.2, ax=ax)
    ax.set_ylabel("Temperature (C°)")

And for completeness the dataframe:

The result:

mwaskom commented 3 years ago

With a line plot, you're encoding data by position, whereas with a fill/area plot you're encoding it by size/area.

You can encode arbitrary data by position, but (strictly speaking) the fill encoding is only really appropriate for data that represent a magnitude, where zero and ratios are meaningful. In that sense, your temperature plot is kind of a counterexample: 0 celsius has a quasi-meaningful physical definition, but it doesn't make sense to say that 20deg is "twice as warm" as 10deg, or that two months of 10deg weather are comparable to one month of 20 deg weather.

And so we can answer:

The only question that remains is why fill was introduced to kdeplot

kdeplot is not just a fancy line plot, it's a graphical representation of a probability distribution. Probability density checks the boxes above (zero and ratios are meaningful) and areas in a kdeplot are actually super-meaningful, in the sense that "density" is not a directly interpretable measure but that the area under a density curve corresponds to probability. So it's a natural fit there.

normanius commented 3 years ago

Sorry, the last (rhetorical) question was probably unnecessary. I know that kdeplot() does way more than just plotting lines and that in the case of probability density functions the area has a meaning. But when it comes to plotting lines, there's a "fill" option in kdeplot(). This option is missing in other tools like lineplot(), which I felt was a bit inconsistent. But as discussed above, I now understand that there're alternatives and reasons why areaplots (as I conceived it) are not urgently needed in seaborn.

As I see it, the filling has (at least) two functions: 1) representation of information (as the area under the kde), 2) representation of entity / graphical emphasize. What applies depends on the use case. I used the temperature example because I had the data at hand for a quick demo. I agree that in this case, the fill neither serves 1) or 2). The earlier example with polar coordinates at least illustrates function 2) of the fill.

mattdm commented 2 years ago

For whatever it's worth,

# df is in long format, pandas requires wide format.

... is the reason I'd really like this. I know how to use pivot, but it'd be nice to just be consistent.

mwaskom commented 2 years ago

With the Area mark added to the new objects interface, I'm going to close this as complete. It's not impossible that something like areaplot would get added to the plotting functions, but it's not currently planned and doesn't seem like a great fit for the reasons enumerated above.

dowjones = sns.load_dataset("dowjones")
so.Plot(dowjones, "Date", "Price").add(so.Line()).add(so.Area(edgewidth=0))
