The code is the same, but for others, the graph comes out differently for each bar, but my graph only come out in the same color.
I tried setting up 'sns.set_palette()' to work this out, but the phenomenon is the same.
Instead, if I set up barplot (palette =...) and set the color, the color comes out differently.
It's annoying to set this up every time, is there a way for each bar to automatically come out differently when using it in the future?
Hi.i want to set diferent color for each bar
def ploting_cnt_amt(df,col, lim=2000) : tmp=pd.crosstab(df[col] , df['isFraud'] , normalize='index')*100 tmp=tmp.reset_index() tmp.rename(columns={ 0:'NoFraud' , 1:'Fraud'},inplace=True)
ploting_cnt_amt(df_trans , 'addr1')
The code is the same, but for others, the graph comes out differently for each bar, but my graph only come out in the same color.
I tried setting up 'sns.set_palette()' to work this out, but the phenomenon is the same. Instead, if I set up barplot (palette =...) and set the color, the color comes out differently. It's annoying to set this up every time, is there a way for each bar to automatically come out differently when using it in the future?