mwaterfall / MWPhotoBrowser

A simple iOS photo and video browser with grid view, captions and selections.
MIT License
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setCurrentPhotoIndex is ignored on second opening #431

Open pawelnathan opened 9 years ago

pawelnathan commented 9 years ago

I am doing: [_photoBrowser setCurrentPhotoIndex:newPhotoInd];

UINavigationController *navPhotoBrowser = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:_photoBrowser];
navPhotoBrowser.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleCrossDissolve;

[self presentViewController:navPhotoBrowser animated:YES completion:NULL];

On the second time, it keeps the photoIndex position of the first time. Is it possible to do this? Or do I have to dispose and reinit photoBrowser every time?

Thanks Werner

jiangyancong commented 9 years ago

I'm confused about how do you open for the second time? if you just dismiss, and present again, without dealloc _photoBrowser, setCurrentPhotoIndex should work. Of course, you should keep the position index after the browser dismiss and call setCurrentPhotoIndex with the position index you kept.

pawelnathan commented 8 years ago

Hi! Thanks for your support.

In viewDidLoad I init the photoBrowser like this:

_photoBrowser = [[MWPhotoBrowser alloc] initWithDelegate:self];

// Set options
_photoBrowser.displayActionButton = YES; // Show action button to allow sharing, copying, etc (defaults to YES)
_photoBrowser.displayNavArrows = NO; // Whether to display left and right nav arrows on toolbar (defaults to NO)
_photoBrowser.displaySelectionButtons = NO; // Whether selection buttons are shown on each image (defaults to NO)
_photoBrowser.zoomPhotosToFill = YES; // Images that almost fill the screen will be initially zoomed to fill (defaults to YES)
_photoBrowser.alwaysShowControls = NO; // Allows to control whether the bars and controls are always visible or whether they fade away to show the photo full (defaults to NO)
_photoBrowser.enableGrid = YES; // Whether to allow the viewing of all the photo thumbnails on a grid (defaults to YES)
_photoBrowser.startOnGrid = NO; // Whether to start on the grid of thumbnails instead of the first photo (defaults to NO)
_photoBrowser.autoPlayOnAppear = NO; // Auto-play first video

to switch to the new photo index I am doing:

[_photoBrowser setCurrentPhotoIndex:newPhotoInd];

UINavigationController *navPhotoBrowser = [[UINavigationController alloc]     
navPhotoBrowser.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleCrossDissolve;

[self presentViewController:navPhotoBrowser animated:YES completion:NULL];

This seems to work only the first time. When I call it the second time, the new photo index is ignored.

If I open it and swipe to a different photo, this is shown no matter which photo index I set in the above call.

The workaround that seems to work is to reinit the photobrowser. Is this supposed to be done this way?

Regards Werner

orenk86 commented 8 years ago

I'm experiencing the same issue. Also, "solved" it by re-initing the photo browser each time.