mwaylabs / Espresso

The-M-Projects build tools using node.js.
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node m-build.js throw arguments[0]; #2

Closed mosci closed 13 years ago

mosci commented 13 years ago

i'm at least able to start & build the KitchenSink-Example but when trying to follw the steps on

i can not start nor build the app: node m-build.js

Building application: "next" Building components: calling build() for: "test_App" calling build() for: "test_AppResources" calling build() for: "core" calling build() for: "ui" calling build() for: "jquery" calling build() for: "underscore" calling build() for: "themes" calling build() for: "bootstrapping" calling build() for: "jquery_mobile_plugins" calling build() for: "jquery_mobile"

<...>/Espresso/lib/step.js:36 throw arguments[0]; ^ SyntaxError: Unexpected token : at Object.parse (native) at <...>/Espresso/core/framework.js:149:27 at [object Object]. (fs.js:86:5) at [object Object].emit (events.js:39:17) at afterRead (fs.js:843:12)

mwaylabs commented 13 years ago

Hey mosci, it's a bug in the manifest.json, that we will fix as soon as possible. You can fix it in your Hello World app by simply editing the manifest.json in the jQM folder:

Open the manifest.json file in 'frameworks=>The-M-Project=>modules=>jquery_mobile" and add curly brackets around the code, so that it looks like the following:

{ "manifest": ["...", "...", "..."] }

This fixes your issue. As I said, it will be fixed in Espresso, too.

mosci commented 13 years ago

thanks for the workarround - works fine!

dominiklaubach commented 13 years ago

I reopened this issue since this still needs to be fixed in Espresso. We will close it once it's done.