mwaylabs / Espresso

The-M-Projects build tools using node.js.
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Fixes issue #72, where only the first of multiple resources sharing the ... #73

Open richardjohn opened 12 years ago

richardjohn commented 12 years ago

...same base name would get included in the application

sebastianwerler commented 12 years ago

We will review this. Sounds great, but we have to investigate for potential unwanted implications...

dominiklaubach commented 12 years ago

I think we need to handle this differently. Imagine you are using a 3rd-party framework with a file called "core.js". Then, with the current implementation + this pull request, this file would overwrite the framework's "core.js" since they all are pushed to the same directory.

So what I think we need to do is:

Example: myproj/frameworks/The-M-Project/ myproj/frameworks/a3rdpartyframework/core.js

==> core.js (The-M-Project) core.js (a3rdpartyframework) --> basename + extension already exists --> rename --> e.g. a3rdpartyframework_core.js

What do you guys think about that?

Best regards Dominik