mweinelt / kea-exporter

Export Kea Metrics in the Prometheus Exposition Format
MIT License
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Kea HTTP ctrl-agent support #33

Closed Qwiko closed 5 months ago

Qwiko commented 1 year ago

I think it would be a good idea to continue developing this repository. I would like to help rebuilding to support both sockets and http "backends". I see someone have already implemented a http-version but it is rather outdated.

I can also see that a docker container with http metric support would be very useful for kubernetes deployments with automatic prometheus discovery. Configurable either with environment-variables or a configmap/configfile.

mweinelt commented 1 year ago

On a conference, will hopefully have a chance to take a look next week.

Qwiko commented 7 months ago

Pull request: #40 adds docker support. I think it should be added to version 0.6.0.

mweinelt commented 7 months ago

I will tag another release once the currently active PRs are in. That should only take a few days. Sorry for not making a release with HTTP support earlier.

mweinelt commented 5 months ago

Has been released in 0.6.0

M0NsTeRRR commented 5 months ago

I think it would be a good idea to continue developing this repository. I would like to help rebuilding to support both sockets and http "backends". I see someone have already implemented a http-version but it is rather outdated.

I can also see that a docker container with http metric support would be very useful for kubernetes deployments with automatic prometheus discovery. Configurable either with environment-variables or a configmap/configfile.

I've just deployed the exporter on a kubernetes environment with helm and it works like a charm :) I will update this weekend the kea-exporter dashboard :)

M0NsTeRRR commented 5 months ago

Here is my basic helm chart for my homelab, I post it here as reference if someone wants an example in the future :)

i've integrated the serviceMonitor & prometheus rule to notify if the exporter is down or if a dhcp pool is over 90% :)

M0NsTeRRR commented 5 months ago

Dashboard updated. I've also updated the screenshots, although they are not currently displayed due to Grafana caching.

Qwiko commented 5 months ago

@M0NsTeRRR I am using your helm-chart now in my environment with argocd and it works very well! I have 2 dhcp servers with HA and using multiple targets in one pod overwrites metrics from each other. I am instead using a parent chart with your chart as a dependency with different aliases so I get individual statistics from each server.


apiVersion: v2
name: kea-exporter
version: 0.0.1
  - name: kea-exporter
    alias: keadhcp-01
    version: 0.1.2
  - name: kea-exporter
    alias: keadhcp-02
    version: 0.1.2


    - name: TARGETS
      value: "http://keadhcp-01:8000"

    - name: TARGETS
      value: "http://keadhcp-02:8000"
M0NsTeRRR commented 5 months ago

Metrics are differents on each server with HA ? It should not be the case ? 🤔

I did not test that but I assume they would be the same when both servers have the same configuration.

Qwiko commented 5 months ago

Metrics are differents on each server with HA ? It should not be the case ? 🤔

I did not test that but I assume they would be the same.

In my setup only one of the servers is active at once (Active/Standby) and therefore some metrics are different between the servers.


#server 1 Active
kea_dhcp4_packets_sent_total{operation="ack"} 17844.0
kea_dhcp4_packets_sent_total{operation="nak"} 10.0
kea_dhcp4_packets_sent_total{operation="offer"} 640.0
#server 2 Standby
kea_dhcp4_packets_sent_total{operation="ack"} 0.0
kea_dhcp4_packets_sent_total{operation="nak"} 0.0
kea_dhcp4_packets_sent_total{operation="offer"} 0.0

It looks like the statistics in the kea-server is only cached locally and resets after a reboot. So it makes sense that some metrics are different between two servers.


All of the statistics supported by Kea's servers are initialized upon the servers' startup and are returned in response to the commands such as statistic-get-all. The runtime statistics concerning DHCP packets processed are initially set to 0 and are reset upon the server restart.

Qwiko commented 5 months ago

I was thinking about how you would deploy Kea fully in kubernetes. Kea has official docker containers.

Would be cool to see how to run kea with kea-exporter as a sidecar, then you get individual statistics per pod. I wonder if you could use the new Kubernetes gateway api with UDPRoute with auto-scaling pods in a active/active scenario if it even is possible doing this with dhcp-servers. Config backend would be simple by using PostgreSQL operator for example.

Might try this as a test some day to see if it is possible.

M0NsTeRRR commented 5 months ago

I don't currently run my Kea dhcp in a Kubernetes environment, as I've set it up with DNS as a requirement for my basic infrastructure. However, I believe it could be done with some effort. The optimal deployment would likely involve using a Kea DHCP Helm chart with optional monitoring, including an exporter as a sidecar, automatically mounting the dashboard, and adding Prometheus rules as you described. As cilium released API Gateway support in GA it could be the best working solution 👍

I've added to my to-do list the task of adding the dashboard as a configmap sidecar for Grafana autodiscovery in my helm chart.