mwhit74 / mlob

Determinate structure moving load analysis
MIT License
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Add command line options #6

Open mwhit74 opened 7 years ago

mwhit74 commented 7 years ago

add argparse options: blank: user defined spacing, axles, trailing load, and span lengths -c --cooper: automatically adds cooper axles/loads -al --alternate: automatically adds alt axles -ar --aream: runs both cooper and alt -bl --batch len: batch lengths -ba --batch axle: batch axle configs -h --help: display options and description each

mwhit74 commented 6 years ago

Should a command line option approach as outlined above be used or a text file based input be used.

The text file based input would be an excellent experimental ground to develop an interpreter module for the front end. Not sure if it would be all that conducive to quickly using the software. Command line options would probably be the fastest if one is familiar with the commands.

I have also given thought to a GUI option. The inputs are so basic it would be fairly straight forward to offer a simple GUI interface to an actual user, not a developer user.

mwhit74 commented 6 years ago

I think a text file based input option should be used.

Something like the following: title

of axle configurations

axle spacing separated by commas axle weights separated by commas spacing to trailing load distributed trailing load

of span configurations

span length 1, span length 2 echo or file

title - name of run echo - echo output to screen file - write output to file (output file will be input file path plus title)

It's such a simple input file there is no reason to complicate it other than for fun. However I want something that works and then I can work on making it more user friendly (i.e. complicating it)

mwhit74 commented 6 years ago

The code to run multiple axle configurations and multiple span configurations is experimentally implemented in the dev_test file in the test directory.