mwhuss / MHVerticalTabBarController

MHVerticalTabBarController is a custom vertical tab bar controller that works on iPhone and iPad and allows easy customization.
MIT License
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Missing cocoa pod? #2

Open jamiebullock opened 9 years ago

jamiebullock commented 9 years ago


Adding pod 'MHVerticalTabBarController' to my Podfile and doing a pod install, I get:

Unable to find a specification for MHVerticalTabBarController depended upon by Podfile.

Does this mean the CocoaPod is no longer available?

jamiebullock commented 9 years ago

Additionally, if I try run pod spec lint on the podspec, I get a warning that the tag "0.8" doesn't exist in the repository... probably because, indeed, it doesn't exist :)

mwhuss commented 9 years ago

Looks like I forgot to push the spec up! If you want to send a PR to update the Podspec I'll push it up.

Also, I no longer use this in any of my projects so it might go unmaintained. If you're using it heavily let me know if you'd like to become a maintainer for it.