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Sending more than 100000 push notifications #109

Closed mwkirk closed 11 years ago

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

Original author: (February 23, 2012 16:40:20)

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.take token from data base as xml get token number 2.use send method use basic devises add in device link list
3.massage and devices link list send as pram other usefull pramater also

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

its very slow processing until finish more than 100000 user the target sokect connection broken error What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? javapns 2.2 Java Spring MVC Web Application Backend for Iphone application

Please provide any additional information below. i need salution how to send notification more than 100000 user at same time

Original issue:

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on February 23, 2012 16:41:01 Please ans me asp

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on February 23, 2012 17:05:21 More details are needed to understand what the problem is...

You are mentioning a socket connection error, but also implying that the process finishes. When you try to push 100,000 notifications, does it succeed (even though you mention it is slow)? If the process is halted, do you get exceptions? (please provide stack traces and log output).

Also, how reliable is your list of 100,000 device tokens? Is it possible that many are invalid? That would explain why the process appears to be slow, because in fact the library needs to deal with APNS' way of ignoring all notifications pushed after an invalid one on the same connection, thus requiring a retransmission of all following notifications.. If your list contains many invalid tokens, the process might take a lot of time to complete. Of course, this wouldn't have anything to do directly with the library...

More questions:

1) What exactly seems to be slow? 100,000 notifications would of course take some time to process, but what gives you the impression that the process is "unusually" slow?

2) Have you tried using the notification threads in JavaPNS to make the process more efficient? See the Advanced Push Notification wiki page for more information.

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on February 25, 2012 09:33:16 Hi thanks for uor responce

i used simple java threads to be send notification can you explain how to use notification threads....

i am getting all token from database after that i used deviceList.add(new BasicDevice(tokenToUse)); to all device token is registerd so i am getting size of deviceList 100000 after that i am calling send() method to send notification after 1000 record send notification error com on log socket connection error. i am using oracle 10 data base and Java Spring MVC Application for sending notification please example me how to send bulk number of user to send notification monday i will attach file thanks....

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on February 25, 2012 15:41:37 As I mentioned, see the "Advanced Push Notification" wiki page on this web site to learn how to use notification threads.

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on February 27, 2012 06:23:09 Yes i used "Advanced Push Notification" Only i used below Method to Send Notification

public void send (List devices, String keystore, String password, boolean production,String msg,String appleHost,int applePort ) {"In Send ");

    /* Gather communication details for your custom server */
    AppleNotificationServer customServer = null;
    try {
        customServer = new AppleNotificationServerBasicImpl(keystore, password, ConnectionToAppleServer.KEYSTORE_TYPE_PKCS12, appleHost, applePort);
    } catch (KeystoreException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

  /* Prepare a simple payload to push */
    PushNotificationPayload payload = PushNotificationPayload.alert(msg);

  /* Create a push notification manager */
    PushNotificationManager pushManager = new PushNotificationManager();

  /* Initialize the push manager's connection to the custom server */
    try {

        List<PushedNotification> notifications = pushManager.sendNotifications(payload, devices);"Notifications Sent = "+notifications.size());
    } catch (CommunicationException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (KeystoreException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block


befor that i am collect all Deviices Token device = new BasicDevice(tokenName.replace(" ", "")); devices.add(device);

and call send method .

2012-02-23 04:34:23 GMT+03:00 INFO [javapns.notification.PushNotificationManager.sendNotification()]:Attempt failed (Software caused connection abort: socket write error)... trying again

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on February 27, 2012 18:11:18 You are not using the notification threads at all. The code you used was provided as an example for having more control over default settings (which is the title of the section you took the code from). However that code does not use notification threads. See the "Sending large amounts of notifications (multi-threading)" section of the Advanced Push Notification wiki page instead.

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on February 27, 2012 22:27:41 hi thanks your responce

i am already use Java new Thread() to run and start my send method call inside of thread moring i will send code of thread ...

the multithread payload method above will return only once all threads have finished pushing notifications. If you do not want to wait for them to complete, run the code above inside a separate Thread (example: new Thread() {public void run() {...}}.start();).

one more question i have only 3 device if i want test my application i have to deploy in live server this is not good our client how i will test my code to 3 device to make 100000 device and test please help me .......

i will send code asp............ thanks.......

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on February 27, 2012 22:33:18 public void send (List devices, Object keystore, String password, boolean production) { /* Prepare a simple payload to push */

  PushNotificationPayload payload = PushNotificationPayload.alert("Hello World!");         /* Decide how many threads you want to create and use */          int threads = 30;         /* Start threads, wait for them, and get a list of all pushed notifications */          List<PushedNotification> notifications =Push.payload(payload, keystore, password, production, threads, devices);  


in this method

these line are not

customServer = new AppleNotificationServerBasicImpl(keystore, password, ConnectionToAppleServer.KEYSTORE_TYPE_PKCS12, appleHost, applePort); } catch (KeystoreException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }

  /* Prepare a simple payload to push */
    PushNotificationPayload payload = PushNotificationPayload.alert(msg);

  /* Create a push notification manager */
    PushNotificationManager pushManager = new PushNotificationManager();

  /* Initialize the push manager's connection to the custom server */
    try {

here now AppleNotificationServerBasicImpl and no notification manager and not initialize server also can yo give me example from code how to use thread


mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on February 27, 2012 22:59:10 public void send (List devices, Object keystore, String password, boolean production) { /* Prepare a simple payload to push / PushNotificationPayload payload = PushNotificationPayload.alert("Hello World!"); / Decide how many threads you want to create and use / int threads = 30; / Start threads, wait for them, and get a list of all pushed notifications */ List notifications = Push.payload(payload, keystore, password, production, threads, devices); }

in this method no host and no port taken as prameter than how to make connection to the apple server??????????

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on February 28, 2012 10:35:41 public void send (List devices, Object keystore, String password, boolean production) { /* Prepare a simple payload to push / PushNotificationPayload payload = PushNotificationPayload.alert("Hello World!"); / Decide how many threads you want to create and use / int threads = 30; / Start threads, wait for them, and get a list of all pushed notifications */ List notifications = Push.payload(payload, keystore, password, production, threads, devices); }

this method is not complied give UNHANDELEXCEPTION ERROR Plese Tell Which Exception i shoud handel

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on February 28, 2012 10:36:21 Above Method is Multi thread method ........

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on February 29, 2012 12:26:45 hi,

i am using the below method to send my push notification, i have around 107791 clients. if i send it for less amount of tokens say around 100, its working fine. But for this bulk quantity

it's returing the below error.

public void send (List<Device> devices, Object keystore, String password, boolean production ,String msg) throws Exception{"In Send "+devices.size());

     /* Prepare a simple payload to push */       
     PushNotificationPayload payload = PushNotificationPayload.alert(msg);  
     /* Decide how many threads you want to create and use */
      int  length=0;
      int threads = 0;
      if ( devices.size() > 1000) {
          length= (int) Math.ceil(devices.size()/1000); 
"length of Devices"+length);
          threads = (int) Math.ceil(devices.size()/length);
"length of threads"+threads);
      } else {
          length= devices.size(); 
"length of Devices"+length);
          threads = (int) Math.ceil(devices.size()/length);
"length of threads"+threads);


     /* Start threads, wait for them, and get a list of all pushed notifications */     
       List<PushedNotification> notifications = Push.payload(payload, keystore, password, production, threads, devices);"Notifications Sent = "+notifications.size());
     }catch(Exception ex){


Error : [javapns.notification.PushNotificationManager.sendNotification()]:

Attempt failed (Software caused connection abort: socket write error)... trying again

please guide me regarding this.

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on February 29, 2012 15:37:30 Ok, the code in your very last comment is finally using notification threads, as documented in the "Sending large amounts of notifications" section of the Advanced Push Notification wiki page.

Now, how many threads does that code actually chooses to use? I see you log a "length of threads" line, so what does it say?

Also, the line "Attempt failed (Software caused connection abort: socket write error)... trying again" is saying it will try again... does it? Surely this is not the final error you are getting, as the library should be trying again.

Please ATTACH (do not copy-paste) a full copy of the library's log output so it can be examined further.

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on March 01, 2012 06:47:45 Hi , log information i don't have today but i remeber i have 107791 clients or Token

i create 107 Thread ...

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on March 01, 2012 08:33:37 Hi May be its working .........

I want to know how to calcultae number of thread according to device number suppose i have 10,000 Devices then how many thread to be needed can you give me some idea to calculate number of thread as per devices thanks for your guide line.....

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on March 01, 2012 14:19:05 2012-03-01 05:08:35 GMT+03:00 INFO [javapns.notification.PushNotificationManager.sendNotification()]:Attempt failed (Read timed out)... trying again 2012-03-01 05:08:42 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:08:43 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:08:44 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:08:44 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:08:45 GMT+03:00 INFO [javapns.notification.PushNotificationManager.sendNotification()]:Attempt failed (Remote host closed connection during handshake)... trying again

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on March 01, 2012 14:22:02 This is Starting Line of Log Device Number :-32281

2012-03-01 05:06:50 GMT+03:00 INFO []:cnt........32283 2012-03-01 05:06:50 GMT+03:00 INFO []:All Devices = 32283 2012-03-01 05:06:50 GMT+03:00 INFO []:In Send 32283 2012-03-01 05:06:51 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:06:51 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:06:51 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:06:51 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:06:52 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:06:52 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:02 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:02 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:10 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:10 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:11 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:11 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:15 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:16 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:17 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:19 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:22 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:22 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:27 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:27 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:28 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:31 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:31 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:31 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:31 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:34 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:34 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:38 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:38 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:38 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:39 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:42 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:45 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:45 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:45 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:47 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:47 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:48 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:48 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:49 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:50 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:50 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:51 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:54 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:54 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:59 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:07:59 GMT+03:00 INFO [com.shci.shms.common.filter.TCSesseionListener.sessionCreated()]:Session Created....................................................................... 2012-03-01 05:08:02 GMT+03:00 INFO [javapns.notification.PushNotificationManager.sendNotification()]:Attempt failed (Read timed out)... trying again

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on March 01, 2012 17:01:01 hi, pleas give me salution......................

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on March 02, 2012 15:35:39 Regarding the number of threads required, there is no exact formula for this. You need to figure out what is best for you in your own project. Doing tests with various numbers (1, 5, 10, 20, 50 threads) and comparing the time it takes to process your entire list of devices should help you determine how many threads you should be using.

Regarding the logs you provided, I'm sorry to say they are pretty much useless... Out of all the log lines you provided, only 2 or 3 are actually related to JavaPNS! The others are completely unrelated (com.shci.shms.* has nothing to do with JavaPNS). Further more, your log configuration seems to print out only the INFO level. JavaPNS outputs a LOT more details than that. Please enable full logging for JavaPNS, try again, and please, ATTACH your log file instead of copy-pasting long lists of lines that are difficult to read through here.

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on March 04, 2012 09:27:29 notifications.size() i am not getting rather than notification sent sucsess full .

And how to Enabled JavaPns Log what ever error comming and Exception i am Printing Please Advise Me i am calling this method

if(tokenName.length() > 60){"tokenName.;"+tokenName.replaceAll(" ","").length()); device = new BasicDevice(tokenName.replaceAll(" ","")); devices.add(device); } } if(msg1.length()>0 && devices.size()>0) { send(devices, certificate, passwd, true,msg1); }

public void send (List devices, Object keystore, String password, boolean production ,String msg) throws Exception{"In Send "+devices.size());

     /* Prepare a simple payload to push */       
     PushNotificationPayload payload = PushNotificationPayload.alert(msg);  
     /* Decide how many threads you want to create and use */

      int threads = 30;"threads Sent = "+threads);

     /* Start threads, wait for them, and get a list of all pushed notifications */     
          List<PushedNotification> notifications = Push.payload(payload, keystore, password, production, threads, devices);
"Notifications Sent = "+notifications.size());

     }catch(Exception ex){

}"Notifications Sent = "+notifications.size()); This Is Not Printing....

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on March 04, 2012 09:42:19 2012-03-04 12:38:30 AST INFO []:In Send 3 2012-03-04 12:38:30 AST INFO []:threads Sent = 30 2012-03-04 12:38:30 AST INFO"Notifications Sent = "+notifications.size());

Above Info Is Not Printing For After Sending Notification Today Only this thing happen Last Time Same Code is Working Fine its Printing notification size today is Not Printing but notification sent all Devices For Local Chaeck.

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on March 05, 2012 17:44:20 Again, the log lines you are copying are not produced by JavaPNS, so they are not useful at all here.

How to enable logging is well documented in the wiki (Troubleshooting page).

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on March 18, 2012 09:22:50 Devices = 20748 2012-03-18 12:14:47 GMT+03:00 INFO []:In Send 20748 2012-03-18 12:14:47 GMT+03:00 INFO []:threads Sent = 30 2012-03-18 12:15:05 GMT+03:00 INFO [javapns.notification.PushNotificationManager.sendNotification()]:Attempt failed (Software caused connection abort: socket write error)... trying again

Why This Error is Comming while we r using multitharding using....

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on March 19, 2012 14:24:34 I'm really trying to help you, but evidently you are not cooperating. For the last time before I close this issue, you need to provide full debug logs generated by JavaPNS. You keep providing idle log lines which are out of context. Please attach a text file containing a full debug output, or I will close this issue for lack of useful feedback. Thank you for your understanding.

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on March 22, 2012 13:24:36 I Dounload JavaPNS_2.2_complete add JavaPns Jar File after That i use this method

public void send (List devices, Object keystore, String password, boolean production ,String msg) throws Exception{"In Send "+devices.size());
     PushNotificationPayload payload = PushNotificationPayload.alert(msg);  
      int threads = 30;

while i am sending notification to token number

i am getting this error

2012-03-22 16:05:56,948 ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/BouncyCastleProvider 2012-03-22 16:05:56,948 ERROR [STDERR] at javapns.notification.PushNotificationManager.initializeConnection( 2012-03-22 16:05:56,948 ERROR [STDERR] at javapns.notification.transmission.NotificationThread.runList( 2012-03-22 16:05:56,948 ERROR [STDERR] at 2012-03-22 16:05:56,948 ERROR [STDERR] at

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on March 22, 2012 13:26:03 This is my Method

public void send (List devices, Object keystore, String password, boolean production ,String msg) throws Exception{"In Send "+devices.size());
     PushNotificationPayload payload = PushNotificationPayload.alert(msg);  
      int threads = 30;
      List<PushedNotification> notifications ;
"Inside Try Block");
         notifications = Push.payload(payload, keystore, password, production, threads, devices);
"Notifications Sent = "+notifications.size());

     }catch(Exception ex){"Exception Try Block"+ex);

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on March 22, 2012 14:19:16 Have you included the dependencies into the classpath?

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on March 25, 2012 08:12:01 Hi I got it now its working thanks ...........

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on March 28, 2012 11:35:54 What is BADGE and what is used

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on March 28, 2012 17:18:25 Please refer to Apple documentation on APNS for general questions that are not specific to JavaPNS. Thank you.

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on March 29, 2012 14:03:15 By JavaPns How many times sent Notification in Same Token Number Notification Message also Same............

mwkirk commented 11 years ago

From on March 30, 2012 02:50:34 How many times can you send an identical message to the same token? JavaPNS doesn't impose a limit on that.

mwkirk commented 11 years ago