mwood77 / pf2opn

An in-browser pfsense to opnsense converter.
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Password from PFsense Backup Does Not Work After Opnsense Restore #7

Closed DanGarion closed 10 months ago

DanGarion commented 10 months ago

I have a fairly basic backup that just has a lot of static DHCP mappings. I used my backup and then restored it to a fresh install of opnsense. After the install was complete the default user/pass no longer worked. I then attempted to use the user/pass from my pfsense backup and that also did not work.

I have checked both the before and after XML and the bcrypt-hash is the same.

mwood77 commented 10 months ago

That's strange - the mapping must be incorrect. What is the parent xml tag of your username/password?

DanGarion commented 10 months ago

I was able to get a console cable and console in and reset the password, so I'm not stuck. :) I did have to get a new console to USB cable since none of my devices has serial ports! hahaha. But here is the important part for you.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <description><![CDATA[All Users]]></description>
            <description><![CDATA[System Administrators]]></description>
            <descr><![CDATA[System Administrator]]></descr>


      <description>All Users</description>
      <description>System Administrators</description>
      <descr>System Administrator</descr>
mwood77 commented 10 months ago

Thank you for the example xml! I'll have a look at this in the next 24 hours.

If you have opnsense up and running, could you also provide a sanitized output of that including the authorization block? That'll make debugging the fields much easier/faster.

DanGarion commented 10 months ago

Thank you for the example xml! I'll have a look at this in the next 24 hours.

If you have opnsense up and running, could you also provide a sanitized output of that including the authorization block? That'll make debugging the fields much easier/faster.

That might take a while... I haven't changed over to the new device yet. I wanted to limit downtime so I found another device on eBay to change over to. With so many static DHCP I don't want to take down a bunch of devices at my house... ;)

DanGarion commented 10 months ago

I think I see the issue, your converter does the hash, but it doesn't do the password. if that makes sense.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <description>All Users</description>
      <description>System Administrators</description>
      <descr>System Administrator</descr>
mwood77 commented 10 months ago

Yep, you're right. Looks like pfsesnse outputs your password as a bcrypt hash under these tags:


<!-- pfsense -->



<!-- opnsense -->


So I'll need to re-map that field during conversion.

mwood77 commented 10 months ago

Version 0.1.3 has been released on the site and on docker, which I hope solves that issue. Let me know how it goes.

DanGarion commented 10 months ago

I'll close this issue but I think there is another problem. Someone reported a different issue that I also have run into with accessing System>Admin. I haven't confirmed if they used the conversion tool yet though. I will let you know.

DanGarion commented 10 months ago

I can't tell you if the backup works, but I can tell you the output is different now (with the same file I used previously).

<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <descr>System Administrator</descr>
mwood77 commented 10 months ago

Since you have the same error, can you find the following structure, specifically <sshport> inside the <ssh> parent tag in your pfsense config and share it?

My example pfsense config has it here:

Does this look like yours?

DanGarion commented 10 months ago

This is all I have in my backup for SSH. And now that you say that I see what you mean, I should probably add that port in there... right?

mwood77 commented 10 months ago

If you're expecting to use an ssh port, then maybe.

Going off of the linked forum thread, we can see that opnsense is looking for an ssh port here:

That doesn't mean it's necessarily required though.

DanGarion commented 10 months ago

Let me try that... won't hurt me if it doesn't work. :)

DanGarion commented 10 months ago

Well, you rock. That missing port # fixed it. ;)

mwood77 commented 10 months ago

Great! So there's no shortcoming to fix on my end?

DanGarion commented 10 months ago

I'm not 100% sure. If you think about it opnsense is erroring out because it isn't being provided a port for SSH... That really seems to be an issue with their system as it appears it expects there to be a port. I didn't have a port in my pfsense config (probably because I never need SSH into it). Your code is just passing along what it was provided.

mwood77 commented 10 months ago

(probably because I never need SSH into it)

This is likely the reason why it wasn't provided by pfsense, especially if you've never use it/set it uo. I think we're good then. Thanks for finding the password bug!

apedance commented 10 months ago

Hey there.

After using the latest version of the script - I am not able to import the file at all. With version 0.1.2 I was able to import it - but couldn't login after.

Error message of opnsense:


mwood77 commented 10 months ago

Hi @apedance apologies for the slow reply - I only just saw this. There's another open issue right now, do you mind posting there? I suspect your issue may be related to the others. I think the root password encryption methods are different.

Alternatively, in the following structure:


Do you have a field named sha512-hash, bcrypt-hash, md5-hash, or something else? The data between those tags will be noticeably long.