mworion / MountWizzard4

Amateur astronomy imaging support tool with special support for 10micron mounts.
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Meteoblue not showing correct local date? #300

Closed aphelyon-net closed 1 year ago

aphelyon-net commented 1 year ago

Just installed Version3. I've configured the metoeblue api to test. It appears that it's showing as of local time, but UTC is not matching?

Screen Shot 2023-01-30 at 12 49 45 am

Meteoblue is reported days as 30Jan onwards.

Screen Shot 2023-01-30 at 12 52 04 am
mworion commented 1 year ago

Hi, there is a small issue about changing UTC / Local as it will update only on startup correctly (setting under settings/user Interface). Actually the json used by MW4 looks different. Which data are you showing? Michel

aphelyon-net commented 1 year ago

Im using the

I tried using just apikey, then daily. Also tried local time.

Im not sure if this should be showing daily , or hourly. I can use different API urls' to retrieve either. It seems to also be showing times 12hours earlier as the first entry, where Id expect either the closest time rounded down as the first start time on first load, then populating time from thereon.

Unless Im using this feature completely wrong..

Screen Shot 2023-01-30 at 7 42 52 am

mworion commented 1 year ago

MW4 is using a different api (always asking for UTC), which should be ok. In your case (seeing set to local time) the purple line is correct highlighted. You're point about what should be the start is valid, but meteoblue does only 2 times a day a calculation. So MW4 does only retrieve this data 2 times a day. For a simpler processing, MW4 builds the GUI each time it collects the data. Meteoblue does also send a complete set (beginning with 00:00 UTC) in any case, so I do not cut out data sent from meteoblue just for transparency reasons. I think about moving the cursor and position regularly to a better position. let's see. Michel

aphelyon-net commented 1 year ago

OK thanks for reviewing that. It would be good if somehow we could see 6hours from the current date. Not sure if it can't be done dynamically.. if a reload button would suffice what would recalc and display from the current hour and display the future 12hours or something similar.

mworion commented 1 year ago

You have a horizontal scrolling list of the data anyway in the gui for the next 3 days in that list. If I find a solution for dynamic scrolling...

aphelyon-net commented 1 year ago

Oh! Indeed yes :) I didn't see a scrollbar, but using my mouse I see that works thank you. I leave this then to your discretion whether to deem this as requiring an update or not

mworion commented 1 year ago

Good point about the scroll bar. I put it onto the todo list. Michel

mworion commented 1 year ago

Next release there will be some scroll bars in it.

2023-02-01-19-45-38-MountWizzard4_-_v3 0 0


mworion commented 1 year ago

Hi, if you install 3.0.1a1 you should be able to test the scroll bars. (Internal Updater, write 3.0.1a1 in available version text field and click start updater) Michel

aphelyon-net commented 1 year ago

Fantastic, thanks. Will continue testing and report if any other issues found.