mwotton / Hubris

Bridge from Ruby to Haskell
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Recompile on :source changes #17

Open larrytheliquid opened 14 years ago

larrytheliquid commented 14 years ago

When using:

 hubris :source => "MyModule.hs"

Modifications to the Haskell file after it has been compiled once do not trigger recompiles.

mwotton commented 13 years ago

not exactly sure what the correct semantics are here. When would you have it notice the change in the Haskell file? The next time the functions in the class are called? If I do that, then we'll incur a filesystem check every time we run any of the functions, which seems excessive.

if you reload the ruby class with the hubris declaration in it, it should reload the code if it has changed, but that should be working already. Could you clarify?