mwouts / itables

Pandas DataFrames as Interactive DataTables
MIT License
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[Feature] Dark Mode support for itables #103

Closed Anselmoo closed 4 months ago

Anselmoo commented 1 year ago

Thx for itables

In the case of using itables with dark themes, like VSCode + Dracula, it is rather difficult to see the buttons.


I am wondering if there is a way to change the buttons and text to white for example?

mwouts commented 1 year ago

Hello @Anselmoo , well thank you also for using it!

I have done a little experiment: I have remove the colors #333 and #666 from my local itables/external/jquery.dataTables.min.css and that seems to help, at least this is what I get (in Jupyter Lab): image

But unfortunately the text in both the select button and in the search box remains black.

@AllanJard, may I ask what you would think of removing these #333 and #666 colors in jquery.dataTables.min.css? Also, do you have any idea on how to address the black color of the text in the search box and the select button ?

If you have a minute to have a look at this, I have prepared a colab notebook with a dark theme that shows the black font color for the search box and the select button.

AllanJard commented 1 year ago

It's actually done already in the just released 1.13 (which by the way has full ES module support for the core and all extensions now πŸ™‚).

Anselmoo commented 1 year ago

It's actually done already in the just released 1.13 (which by the way has full ES module support for the core and all extensions now πŸ™‚).

@AllanJard Thank you very much!

Is it already usable via config-file?

mwouts commented 1 year ago

Well done @AllanJard ! Well indeed I saw the new release and I am excited to use it and to provide the buttons (I found the discussion at very helpful), but I still need to figure out how to do the import from the cdn. This is what I tried:

<div class="itables">
<table id="table_id"><thead><tr><th>A</th></tr></thead></table>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<script type="module">
    // Import jquery and DataTable
    import jquery from '';
    import DataTable from '';

    // Define the table data
    const data = [];

    // Define the dt_args
    let dt_args = {};
    dt_args["data"] = data;

    // [pre-dt-code]
    new DataTable('#table_id', dt_args);

but at the moment I get this error:

Uncaught TypeError: Error resolving module specifier β€œjquery”. Relative module specifiers must start with β€œ./”, β€œ../” or β€œ/”. [jquery.dataTables.mjs:5:19](

Do you have any idea on how to fix this? Many thanks!

AllanJard commented 1 year ago

Yes, jQuery don't yet provide an ES module. You need to load it through a service such as E.g.

AllanJard commented 1 year ago

Actually, thinking about it a bit more, you'll might need to use an import map, as discussed here.

mwouts commented 1 year ago

Thank you @AllanJard , indeed the suggestion to use the import maps does work. I will report with more details on the process of upgrading DT in itables at

mwouts commented 1 year ago

@AllanJard I confirm that the dark mode works much better with datatables-1.13.1.

Below is a screenshot of my colab notebook:

Maybe we should still fix the black color for the number of entries drop down and the text in the search box?


AllanJard commented 1 year ago

I don't think we set the colour for those pieces of text - so it would be the browser's default that is being applied. You can "Inspect" the element to check if that is the case. So in whatever dark mode CSS is being used, you'd need to add colour for the input and select elements.

If you can give me a link to an example showing the issue and I detail things a bit further.

mwouts commented 1 year ago

I don't think we set the colour for those pieces of text - so it would be the browser's default that is being applied. You can "Inspect" the element to check if that is the case. So in whatever dark mode CSS is being used, you'd need to add colour for the input and select elements.

Yes this is how I spotted the 333 and 666 colors

If you can give me a link to an example showing the issue and I detail things a bit further.

Can you access this?

AllanJard commented 1 year ago

Kind of:


How do I view the output? I can't see an obvious way to do that (I've not actually used colab before).

Anselmoo commented 1 year ago

In this particular case you have to press the magic-button. Then it will show πŸ†™.

AllanJard commented 1 year ago

Oh! Thanks!

Then I see a table, which appears to be a Google visualisation table. How do I get to the point where I can see the issue with DataTables and the input elements?

mwouts commented 1 year ago

Hey @AllanJard , if the output looks like this: image then it might mean that your browser does not support import maps :smile:

The screenshot in the previous comment, in which the table does appear after "df", was taken with Chrome.

Also if you don't see any table at all you can do "Runtime / run all" (sorry that seems to be a document editable by anyone so it might differ from what I intended to show)

AllanJard commented 1 year ago

rotfl. Oh dear... Yes, I was using Firefox without import map support. Doh!

I've fired up Chromium and it actually appears to work okay for me there:


mwouts commented 1 year ago

Well now I do see the white color for the text in the search box... But in the drop down box on the left my text is in black, unlike your: image

Anyway I think this is already a great improvement with respect to version 1.12.1, so unless you advice against this I think I might try to ship the CSS for 1.13.1 with the library in version 1.12.1...

mwouts commented 1 year ago

@Anselmoo I have prepared a development version with the new CSS.

Would you like to give it a try? You can install it with

pip install git+
Anselmoo commented 1 year ago

Looks like the dark mode not work for Show and Search; the rest is fine!

But it already helps a lot


But this might be also related to the VSCode builtin Jupyter-Module, which I normally used.

AllanJard commented 1 year ago

You could possibly add something like:

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  select, input {
    color: white;

which should resolve that issue.

mwouts commented 1 year ago

Thank you Allan. I will give it a try possibly tonight. @Anselmoo if you happen to know some CSS you could also experiment following - I already did a preliminary attempt in the colab notebook (link above) but we need to do a bit more research apparently...

Anselmoo commented 1 year ago

@mwouts , I will give it a try tomorrow; however, I am not a mega CSS expert. Let's see how far I get ...

mwouts commented 1 year ago

That sounds great! On my side I have been more busy than expected and I won't have any time this week-end, so we will sync up next week. By the way if you prefer to experiment directly with HTML the following might help:

from itables import to_html_datatable as DT
print(DT(df.head(2), css="@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { select, input { color: white; }}"))

It returns something like

<style>@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  select, input {
    color: white;
<div class="itables">
<table id="3475b3f7-7182-4cd9-bf87-96e1520a9aa8" class="display"style="width:auto;"><thead>
    <tr style="text-align: right;">

  </thead><tbody><tr><td>Loading... (need <a href=>help</a>?)</td></tr></tbody></table>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<script type="module">
    // Import jquery and DataTable
    import '';
    import dt from '';

    // Define the table data
    const data = [["ABW", "AW", "Aruba", "Latin America & Caribbean ", "NaN", "High income", "Not classified", "Oranjestad", -70.0167, 12.5167], ["AFE", "ZH", "Africa Eastern and Southern", "Aggregates", "NaN", "Aggregates", "Aggregates", "NaN", NaN, NaN]];

    // Define the dt_args
    let dt_args = {"warn_on_unexpected_types": true, "paging": false, "order": []};
    dt_args["data"] = data;

    $(document).ready(function () {


which you can save in an .html file.

Anselmoo commented 1 year ago

@mwouts sorry for late reply

Concerning your #122, it actually looks very fine now. I have tested it for several dark themes:

This is actually the game changer as @AllanJard proposed.

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  select, input {
    color: white;
mwouts commented 1 year ago

Oh that's great! Thank you @Anselmoo . By the way, thank you also for your other PRs, I will try to integrate them tonight or tomorrow evening.

Re the above that's great news. I did not understand if the prefers-color-scheme piece was required, could you please confirm, and if so maybe we should add it to the default extra CSS at ?


Anselmoo commented 1 year ago

Oh that's great! Thank you @Anselmoo . By the way, thank you also for your other PRs, I will try to integrate them tonight or tomorrow evening.

Re the above that's great news. I did not understand if the prefers-color-scheme piece was required, could you please confirm, and if so maybe we should add it to the default extra CSS at ?


mwouts commented 1 year ago

Well... that is puzzling. I cannot reproduce that. I have tried, in a single cell:

from itables import show
from itables.sample_dfs import generate_random_df
import itables.options as opt

opt.css = """@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  select, input {
    color: white;

show(generate_random_df(100000, 30))

And in each of VS Code, Jupyter Lab, and Colab I still have the black text in the select and search boxes... Do you see any difference with what you are doing above?

mwouts commented 1 year ago

Sorry the issue was closed automatically as I have merged the branch in which we update the datatables CSS to version 1.13.1, but that was a bit early as I would like to reproduce myself the white text in the select and search boxes...

Norlandz commented 5 months ago

As the current workaround, I use following:

itables.options.css = """
.itables select, .itables input {
  color: inherit;
  filter: invert(10%);

Full code:

init_notebook_mode(all_interactive=True, connected=False) = "width:auto;float:left;"
# show(df, classes="display nowrap cell-border compact hover stripe order-column")
itables.options.classes = "display nowrap compact"
# @libbug: text-align: right; cause misalign
# .itables table tbody td { padding: 0px; margin: 0px; border: 4px solid black; }
# .itables table thead th { padding: 0px; margin: 0px; border: 4px solid black; }
itables.options.css = """
.itables table          { font-size: 0.9em; }
.itables table tbody tr:nth-child(odd) {
  background: rgba(110, 160, 160, 0.3);
.itables table td {
  text-align: left;
  max-width: 200px;
  max-height: 30px;
  overflow: auto;
.itables select, .itables input {
  color: inherit;
  filter: invert(10%);
itables.options.showIndex = True
itables.options.maxBytes = 1024 * 5
itables.options.lengthMenu = [5, 15, 30, 100, 200] # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues]
mwouts commented 4 months ago

Thanks @Norlandz for your comment above, indeed adding

.itables select, .itables input {
    color: inherit;

to itables.css does seem to fix this. Quick question for you @Norlandz, what does filter: invert(10%) do? Thanks!

Also for those who are affected by this, could you please give a try at

pip install git+

and confirm that it does fix the issue? Thanks!

Norlandz commented 4 months ago


what does filter: invert(10%) do? Thanks!

If you have a black background and just inherit the black font color, you cant see the font. (Depends on your light / dark theme.) So you need to invert the black font color to white.

black + invert(100%) = white black + invert(10%) = dark grey

But this wont work much better than just setting the font to color grey... -- Its better to know the color theme (maybe some js code).