mwouts / itables

Pandas DataFrames as Interactive DataTables
MIT License
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SearchBuilder Requires DateTime when used with dates. #288

Open pali07 opened 3 weeks ago

pali07 commented 3 weeks ago


Can anyone please help me with this issue. unable to install the datetime library

mwouts commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @pali07 , thanks for reporting this.

Could you show us the error message, and copy your example as text too? Thanks!

pali07 commented 3 weeks ago

Not getting any error message getting table but search builder is not working image

After clicking on searchbuilder button the output is as follows


pali07 commented 3 weeks ago
import pandas as pd
from itables import init_notebook_mode, show
from datetime import date, datetime


def convert_to_table(data, description=None, column_names=None, specified_columns=None):

    df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=column_names)
    if column_names is None and df.columns.nlevels == 1:
        column_names = df.columns.tolist()
    if column_names:
        column_names = [col.strip('_').capitalize() for col in column_names]
        df.columns = column_names

    if specified_columns:
        df = df[specified_columns]

        classes="display nowrap cell-border top-border",
                "extend": "collection",
                "text": "Export",
                "buttons": [
                    {"extend": "csvHtml5", "title": "data"},
                    {"extend": "excelHtml5", "title": "data"}
data = {
    'Title': ['1Password', '1Password', '1Password'],
    'Name': [12296, 24812, 25516],
    'AnyDateColumn': ['2023-04-19', '2023-04-18', '2023-04-18']

pali07 commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @mwouts Thanks for the quick reply

mwouts commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the detailed information! I can reproduce the issue, that's a first step. I think we should be able to add the datetime extension, cf. the linked PR, although it's not working right now...

At the moment I am getting the following error: Uncaught ReferenceError: assignment to undeclared variable dt (and no table can be displayed). I might have to see on the datatables forum for how to get this PR right. I will keep you posted.

rsnell-usgs commented 1 week ago

+1 for this issue. Same error for a table that includes dates as a column.

DataTables discussion on this:

mwouts commented 6 days ago

Oh that was helpful! I followed the first comment that points to the download builder and I could install the DateTime package.

@rsnell-usgs @pali07 feel free to use the install instructions at to test the PR locally.

I am not going to merge this right now as I still see a small issue, I will discuss it with Allan on the PR.