mwouts / itables

Pandas DataFrames as Interactive DataTables
MIT License
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column_filters does not seem to be working when displaying Pandas Styler object #296

Open sherry151 opened 1 week ago

sherry151 commented 1 week ago

My code below:

    from itables import init_notebook_mode
    import itables.options as it_opt
    it_opt.paging = False
    it_opt.scrollY = "50vh"
    it_opt.scrollCollapse = True
    it_opt.scrollX = True
    it_opt.keys = True = True
    it_opt.buttons =   ["csvHtml5", "excelHtml5",
                           "extend": "colvis",
                           "collectionLayout": "fixed columns",
                           "popoverTitle": "Column visibility control"
    it_opt.layout={"top1": "searchBuilder", "topEnd": None}

Works fine for DataFrame object but not for Styler object. Has anyone seen this happen?